Thursday, July 30, 2015

Well family, this is it!

The ancestral countdown is complete!

We have gazed upon the mighty pyramids and our royal beginnings, right through the sands of time and the many African people, diasporas, and nations.

We've visited our legacy through slavery and observed the joy of freedom.  Now we are here.

This is what all the fuss of history has always been about.

Joining the past with the present and creating the future.

Grandad and Grandma, Thank You!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

As the souls and spirits of the past and present mingle for the first time, prayers of hundreds of generations of Adams' and Davidsons come together to welcome and celebrate the reunion of a lifetime.

We owe it to all those who came before us and all of those whom we leave behind a greater chance at a life worth sacrificing for.

The universe knows no coincidences

Monday, July 27, 2015

As we near the end of our ancestral countdown, the word is still being spread as every able spirit prepares for the much anticipated reunion.

Nothing can stand in the way of destiny. This has been far too long in coming, but the present is all that counts.

12.5 million slaves came to the New World (The Americas)

450,000 of those slaves who survived the middle passage came to occupy the plantation in the United States.

They were of every age, social status, gender, color & hue.

These are the people that have become the direct line of our ancestral heritage.

Thank God we made it this far.

Friday, July 24, 2015

From the shackles of slavery, to the praise of "FREEDOM" prayers, not even the horrors of slavery will keep our people from joining the circle of ancestors, already on the move toward here.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Looking across the vast waters to be crossed, the hearts of our ancestors all speak as one.

upendo familia yangu
upendo familia yangu

"for the love of family"
"for the love of family"

It's all for the love of family.

The dominant language of our ancestors was Swahili.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Here, by the Mediterranean Seaside, the spirit of the drums and dance completes the circle of communication among our spirit forefathers.

The 2nd Exodus for our people, across the many waters into the New World, only this time it's for a celebration and a reuniting with the new generation of African people.

3 main bodies of water surround Africa:  the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea.

The slave passage to America was by route of the Atlantic Ocean.

It was 3,000 miles or more to get here

And still enough survived to create us as their legacy.