Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Hello Reunion Family and Friends
             Donations, and Talent Instructions

  I hope you have read the blog from top to bottom. Please look, follow the instructions, so we can have an even greater family gathering than last year. Also, carefully read this:
 1.) The reunion itself is free. We are asking all of you who can to help please donate $20.00 to help buy “honorary gift”, for our honorees.
2. )  Talent Show; Need Your Talents.
      We are asking for this “talented” family members to apply to perform for our honored guests!
I. )  E-mail me with your registration information,
and put if you’re singing, dancing, or poetry or whatever, and can you bring your own music for us to put in a CD. What is the title of your song or dance  whatever.
II. )  Log on daily to this new “blog site”, and watch for the visual countdown to our family due-date.
How to pay my $20.00 donation to Pay Pal
If you have Paypal
1. Go to the website PayPal
2. Send $20 amount to account.
If not, send check/money order to this address:
(Pay by July 15th) - call if have problems (219) 939-0074

Cassandra A. Cannon (Kathy)
340 S. Henry
Gary, Indiana 46403-2385

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