Thursday, July 30, 2015

Well family, this is it!

The ancestral countdown is complete!

We have gazed upon the mighty pyramids and our royal beginnings, right through the sands of time and the many African people, diasporas, and nations.

We've visited our legacy through slavery and observed the joy of freedom.  Now we are here.

This is what all the fuss of history has always been about.

Joining the past with the present and creating the future.

Grandad and Grandma, Thank You!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

As the souls and spirits of the past and present mingle for the first time, prayers of hundreds of generations of Adams' and Davidsons come together to welcome and celebrate the reunion of a lifetime.

We owe it to all those who came before us and all of those whom we leave behind a greater chance at a life worth sacrificing for.

The universe knows no coincidences

Monday, July 27, 2015

As we near the end of our ancestral countdown, the word is still being spread as every able spirit prepares for the much anticipated reunion.

Nothing can stand in the way of destiny. This has been far too long in coming, but the present is all that counts.

12.5 million slaves came to the New World (The Americas)

450,000 of those slaves who survived the middle passage came to occupy the plantation in the United States.

They were of every age, social status, gender, color & hue.

These are the people that have become the direct line of our ancestral heritage.

Thank God we made it this far.

Friday, July 24, 2015

From the shackles of slavery, to the praise of "FREEDOM" prayers, not even the horrors of slavery will keep our people from joining the circle of ancestors, already on the move toward here.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Looking across the vast waters to be crossed, the hearts of our ancestors all speak as one.

upendo familia yangu
upendo familia yangu

"for the love of family"
"for the love of family"

It's all for the love of family.

The dominant language of our ancestors was Swahili.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Here, by the Mediterranean Seaside, the spirit of the drums and dance completes the circle of communication among our spirit forefathers.

The 2nd Exodus for our people, across the many waters into the New World, only this time it's for a celebration and a reuniting with the new generation of African people.

3 main bodies of water surround Africa:  the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea.

The slave passage to America was by route of the Atlantic Ocean.

It was 3,000 miles or more to get here

And still enough survived to create us as their legacy. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

With the non-stop beating of the drums, the message continues, day and night.

One of the oldest species of trees in the world, the baobab tree of Africa gives shade to the spirit of the drummer.

The drum is the oldest musical instrument in the world. It's believed to have originated in Africa.

We were created in greatness and surrounded in greatness.

Claim it! Own it! And never look back!

You're only as great as what you're willing to do to prove it. Beloved Mother Africa.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

It seems the drums of the ancestors are spreading the word far and wide.

Let all who can, COME! Let all who can, COME!

Ancient wisdom says, seize the opportunity when it is before you, even though "today" has availed itself to you, it was never promised.

Neither is tomorrow.

Are you spreading the word?

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Celebration erupts everywhere as the word spreads about our reunion.

Everyone wants the chance to see where their spiritual inheritors call home.

Did you know that due to slavery, we are one of, if not the only group of ethnic peoples, whom cannot directly connect our roots to a specific place or family unless we use scientific testing?

Do you know whom you really are?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Even across the great deserts, the word of our gathering has reached far and wide.  The spirits of our African ancestors have begun to move.

Family, don't be fooled by the somewhat needy appearances of our African forefathers.

Africa has more gold, jewels, plutonium, platinum, chrome, and copper than any other continent.

Check out the materials that make up your computers, cell phones, etc. . .

God did not create us as poor.

Men enslaved us into poverty.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

As we enter the second phase of our ancestors' journey, we see a young African messenger being welcomed home as he spreads the word about our families finally reuniting as one.

The joy they share upon hearing the news, that says that, "we are finally going home", is celebrated by all.

And so our history continues.

Hey family, did you know that Africa is a continent of 52 countries?

It is 3 times larger than the U.S.!

It has the longest river in the world (Nile), the longest desert in the world (Sahara), and Egyptian pyramids are the only "wonders of the world" that still exist.

We are the world!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Egypt Exodus Finished

As we begin our descent from our most ancient of ancestors please not that Moses led 600,000 men,  women, and children (2 million in all) out of Egypt.

Only 1/5th of those called "Jews" left with him.

Thousands of Egyptians, royalty, and high-born made up the rest of the population along with others called Gentiles from other lands.

No matter how you look at it, Egyptians joined and became part of the original Jewish nation.

Remember whom you are!

Remember what you are capable of.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

From the "One" he created, human family, came the many, the world.

It's not a rarity even within our family that we are all so different, it's the norm.

We are not like everyone else, because everyone else is LIKE US!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

As the exodus continues from the "true" motherland, the cradle of "all" civilization, we must never forget, we have no excuse for becoming anything less than good human beings, even if we're not great financially. 

There is a measure of greatness in each of us.

We must never forget, because there are far too many willing to help us,  make sure that we do.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

As the guardian angel watches, our ancestors begin their exodus from the great Egyptian pyramids as kings and queens, of the first known great human civilization, ever.

We are the heirs to the greatness of doctors, lawyers, writers, politicians, musicians, artists, and so much more.

This is the legacy we should never forget.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Family & friends, click on daily to comment and watch, as our ancestors march down through the ages to the call, to bring the spirits of our beloved home.

These portraits are from the paintings of many great artists found on the internet.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Hello Reunion Family and Friends
             Donations, and Talent Instructions

  I hope you have read the blog from top to bottom. Please look, follow the instructions, so we can have an even greater family gathering than last year. Also, carefully read this:
 1.) The reunion itself is free. We are asking all of you who can to help please donate $20.00 to help buy “honorary gift”, for our honorees.
2. )  Talent Show; Need Your Talents.
      We are asking for this “talented” family members to apply to perform for our honored guests!
I. )  E-mail me with your registration information,
and put if you’re singing, dancing, or poetry or whatever, and can you bring your own music for us to put in a CD. What is the title of your song or dance  whatever.
II. )  Log on daily to this new “blog site”, and watch for the visual countdown to our family due-date.
How to pay my $20.00 donation to Pay Pal
If you have Paypal
1. Go to the website PayPal
2. Send $20 amount to account.
If not, send check/money order to this address:
(Pay by July 15th) - call if have problems (219) 939-0074

Cassandra A. Cannon (Kathy)
340 S. Henry
Gary, Indiana 46403-2385